Computers, cell phones and wifi have become part or our everyday lives. While we can’t get away from using these items, we can learn how to reduce exposure and stimulate the Qi field to help support the body. This is part 3 of Grand Master Lu’s series on inflammation and how to reduce the after effects of EMF exposure.
These educational sessions will guide you to understand the value of self-care and Natural healing.
``Qi is the basis for all of life. We must not discount the existence of Qi and we must understand its power of healing. For thousands of years, Chinese medicine has known this truth. You carry the secret ingredient to health and healing. Join me in this new series as we discover the self-healing power of Qi.``-Grand Master Lu
Interconnections, Seasonal Wisdom and the Human Body
Five Element Consciousness is a reflection of natural law. The human body is a microcosm of nature and the Universe. Aligning with this framework gives us a new understanding of human life. Balance is seen understood organically, or naturally as reflected in the seasons.

Inner/Outer Harmony: Five Element Consciousness and Nature’s Wisdom
The Five Element Consciousness Framework draws a direct parallel between the elements within the human body and the elements in the natural world. It suggests that we are not separate from nature but deeply interconnected with it. This interconnectedness extends to our health, emotions, and overall well-being.

Qi for Self-Care: Inflammation and EMF

Qi for Self-Care: Inflammation and Sleep
This is part 2 of a 3 part series on inflammation. In the previous session sleep and EMF exposure where noted as two key areas to address to reduce inflammation. During this session, a technique is taught to help you improve the quality of your sleep. In turn, the body will have additional Qi resources to begin the healing process.

Qi for Self-Care: Inflammation
Inflammation affects millions of people in varying ways such as arthritis, cancer, heart disease, asthma to name a few. But where, when, how did it all begin? You may choose to eat more foods that have anti-inflammatory properties, or begin an exercise regiment but that’s not enough. Here are a few suggestions.

The Secret Behind Beautiful Skin

Qi for Self-Care: What Kind of Mucus Do You Struggle With Right Now?
Mucus is a serious problem that is often difficult to resolve unless one can understand how it all began. Mucus production, according to Chinese medicine, begins in the Spleen and Stomach. Learn how the body processes mucus, then apply new techniques to help resolve phlegm.

Qi for Self-Care: Can Liver Qi Issues Cause Hypertension and Stroke?
The Liver is the most important organ for keeping the body’s blood and Qi flowing smoothly. Yet Liver takes the brunt of our everyday life which in turns leads to many health issues. Two common ones are high blood pressure and stroke. Grand Master Lu offers the TCM viewpoint and encourages listeners to implement these important self care practices.

Qi for Self-Care: Is it Winter Qi Depression or Spring Qi Depression?
Episode 3: Within each season is a vibration that resonates with a specific organ. Each organ has an emotion associated with it. Often winter depression is rooted in fear while spring depression stems from the inability to move forward. Learn how to re-see depression and some things you can do now to help yourself.

Qi for Self-Care: Getting Free Qi from Nature
Episode 2: Energy from Nature is all around us but the body’s frequency must adjust to tap into it. If you want free energy from Nature, you must think and function like Nature. Unlock your mind, change your belief. This is the law of attraction.

Qi for Self-Care: It’s All About Qi
Episode 1: Qi is in everything and everywhere. Without Qi health is not possible and life will not exist. In the first episode on Qi for Self-Care, Grand Master Lu takes the listener on a journey into the quantum field of Qi. Everything is energy, all energy has consciousness, all consciousness has purpose.

Session 2: Getting Qi from Dark Energy
Getting Qi from Dark Energy, Dark Matter
Women have the unique gift of creating life. They are entitled to uniquely connect to dark energy, dark matter. This is associated with the root of life. Because woman have an access code to this information they can apply it in all areas of life. Let me emphasize, this is not limited to child bearing. It’s the big picture of visible and invisible.

Session 1: Creating Qi Life
Why nurturing life is the most important gift in women’s health. It’s the key to unlocking ones potential. All the wisdom inherent in nurturing is connected to love, creativity, and cooperation. These areas are covered in this session.
Before we move into Qigong practice, you must understand these concepts. These teachings can be your short cut. Qigong practice helps you use your gifts, discover your potential and help you connect to Spirit.

Putting Your Pieces of the Puzzle Together

Kidney: The Root of Genetic Wisdom
Your entire life depends on healthy Kidney and Bladder function. The body’s life source is stored in the Kidneys and contains all your genetic wisdom. Chinese medicine reminds us that ancestral information of balance and harmony flows through us. The question is, how can we turn on this wisdom?

Love Heals Everything
In this talk you will see why it is said that human beings carry the unconditional Love of the Universe. You are the child of the Universe. Buried deep within your genetic code is Universal wisdom passed down to you through this Love. Love is harmony, does not hold back, and is your access point to finding balance.

Recalling Life’s Purpose Through the Heart
Everything is energy, all energy has consciousness, all consciousness has purpose. You are an energy being, born with a purpose in this life. Often we feel we’re missing something but can’t figure out what it is. The external world of possessions is not satisfying. How do you rediscover that place of purpose?

Heart Health: Living More Fully
Heart health is directly related to self-expression. Love, intuition, and faith emanate from your Spiritual center, the Heart. Yet we only use a portion of the Spirit to live our lives. The Heart is limited by the mind and emotions. Learn what this means for you and how you can reach your greatest potential.

Lung: The Central Communication Center
Think of your Lungs as a finely tuned instrument. With each breath, it circulates Qi and communicates with your entire body. Chinese medicine tells us the Lung is the great receiver and distributor of life force. Learn what this means for you.

How Mucus Manifests in the Body and Its Long-Term Effects
The Lungs are not the only place in the body to hold mucus. Mucus impacts all the organs and must be released for long-term health. Tumors, excess weight and itchiness are just a few issues related to excess mucus. This talk outlines how mucus develops and ways to release it.

The Spirit and Power of the Lung
The Lung is a delicate organ with a powerful job. Your entire body’s cooperation depends on healthy Lung function. Chinese medicine views the Lung as your mechanism to communicate the inner world with the outside world. Learn more from this perspective and learn how to build healthy Lung function.

Receive, Digest, and Now Transform

Interrelationships of Emotions, Consciousness and Spirit
How can the non-materialized world of consciousness and Spirit affect your health and why are they the root of prevention? Here, we go out of the box and connect with something greater than us. This session also includes a guided meditation projecting a future filled with joy.

Earth: Your Power Center to Digest Anything
What is the requirement necessary to fight Covid-19? As individuals, we must create a balanced internal environment so the virus won’t survive in the body. This session explains why and how.

Chinese Medicine for Covid-19 Protection
The body’s innate healing mechanism is understood by traditional Chinese medicine. This path is open to everyone and offers answers to difficult health issues. Grand Master Nan Lu urges everyone to implement the techniques outlined in this talk to provide the body additional support when dealing with Covid-19.

Support Your Liver, Support Your Life
Liver, the most powerful organ, connects to Spring’s energy of growth and transformation, and it can regenerate itself. Stress and suppressed anger hinder its ability to let energy flow. Learn to self-analyze and discover how to love your Liver. Now is the time to change.

Using the Consciousness of Spring for Personal Enhancement
We are part of Nature. Nature’s essence during the Spring season is one of growth which lends itself to future possibilities. Can we catch this energetic momentum and create a life that’s fearless and full of vitality? Merge and be part of Nature’s flow.

How to Use the Power of Preventative Practices
Prevention is your desire to connect to future probabilities. Through spiritual practices like Qigong and mediation, ancient masters discovered the cooperative relationship of body, mind and Spirit must flow together. This session explores how.

How Energy Practice Can Help You
If everything is energy, and all energy has consciousness, then good health depends on how you connect with life events, how you use your Qi, and your connection with Universal life force. What does this mean and what can you do about it. Begin by understanding the power of Qi.

Don’t Doubt Your Instant Feeling
Your inner world holds gifts that have been passed down from generation to generation. Learn to use your body as your base. It contains all the wisdom to heal itself. Now is time to learn how to reconnect to this wisdom.

Focus on the Full Package: The Heart
The Heart connects body, mind, and Spirit, and stores memories. All emotions sooner or later impact Heart function. In this session you will learn about the deep mysteries of the Heart and how to understand its consciousness. A simple technique to activate your imagination and creativity is also shared.

Emotional Release: Using Your Body’s Gifts
To have emotions is to be human. Emotions are like waves that can come and go. Release unwanted feelings and replace them with happiness. Inner peace is a natural state for the body.

How to Find Inner Peace
How can we move through these critical times in peace? Health is not a product rather the by-product of the entire body being in balance. Inner peace is your gateway to the future. Here, Grand Master Lu teaches a technique to use on a daily basis. Once learned, you will easily connect to your inner wisdom.