Dragon’s Way Qigong: Re-Capture your Vitality!
Qi is the very life force that powers your body and determines physical and emotional well-being. Therefore, the entire class focuses on improving the flow of energy in and around your body.
With a steady practice of 10 Wu Ming Qigong postures and lessons on how to understand the body from a holistic point of view. You’ll begin to see why and how your body might not be feeling as energized as possible and be able to self-adjust.
Since everything is about energy, food becomes a focal point as well,
You’ll learn how to lighten up on certain types of foods and select others that support the digestive system.
And we’re not finished yet! With some easy to follow life style tips, the program is almost complete.
Results will depend on your commitment to practice daily. Tuition includes a video and inter-active guide book to enhance results.